Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Class is over. Thank you, everyone!

Thank you all for an exceptional semester!! Feel free to stay in touch.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ENGL 403 Spring 2011 Final Exam

This is your final exam.  Please answer each question to the best of your ability. If you use any quotations from the books, please include a page number. If you use sources other than the books, please include citations for them on a 
Works Cited page at the end of your exam.  

DUE DATE: 11:59pm Wednesday, 5/4/11

Questions about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

  1. Throughout most of the story, we share Harry’s point of view. We see what he sees and experience what he experiences. In the first chapter, however, we are shown Mr. Dursley’s point of view as he drives to work, sees a cat reading a map, and encounters oddly dressed people on the streets. Rowling could have given us a more straightforward third-person story without any particular point of view. Why does she choose to show us Mr. Dursley’s thoughts and reactions in this first chapter?
  2. What larger theme does Rowling express in her discussion of the Mirror of Erised and Harry's fascination with it?
  3. Many conservative critics claim that the Harry Potter series promotes witchcraft and is therefore unsuitable for children. Do you agree or disagree with this claim?
  4. Was Professor Dumbledore correct to leave the infant Harry with the Dursley family instead of keeping him in the wizarding world?
  5. Professor Quirrell tells Harry that “There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it.” Do you agree with this? Is this the reality of the world? Or if good and evil do exist, what makes them so? Which is more important in the world, power, or good and evil?
  6. Is there a clear sense of good and evil in the book?

Due Dates


1.  Your Final Exam, posted to this blog on 4/19/11, is due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, 5/4/11 via email to tteofilo@wvup.edu

2.  Your Internet Diary Blog Project is due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, 5/4/11

3.  Your Lesson Plan Project is due by 11:59pm on Friday, 5/6/11 via email to tteofilo@wvup.edu

*Any late work that you would like to submit for grading must be turned in at the beginning of class on Monday, 4/25/11 or sent to me at tteofilo@wvup.edu by Sunday, 5/1/11.

Questions? Shoot me an email or comment on this post.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lord of the Rings Online VIDEOS

As a reminder, you are still more than welcome to play Lord of the Rings Online, but if you would rather watch videos that show how to play, here are the links:

Beginner's Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpBu9DUuAyw

Character Creation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxfO9_pQhCg

General Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J89avpExV6s&feature=related

General Gameplay 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqY0WAEwTXk

Questing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-TGJ3_NxCo

Questing 2:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnzhYVrKbW0&feature=relmfu

Crafting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YUtGvJ_l3c&feature=relmfu

Hunter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b6aTIhcBDc&feature=relmfu

Champion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QthWQTqce4U&feature=relmfu

Captain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QthWQTqce4U&feature=relmfu

Guardian: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_3YeDm6Xnw&feature=relmfu

Burglar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRzw06WKkAQ&feature=relmfu

Minstrel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OqsqZzDHQc&feature=relmfu

Power Point Links - HP & MLA

MLA Help:  http://www.slideshare.net/tsteofilo/mla-info

Harry Potter PPT #1:  http://www.slideshare.net/tsteofilo/harry-potter-and-the-feature-film

Need Help with the Internet Diary Project?

If you're still not sure what to do with your Internet Diary Project, check out this fantastic completed assignment, courtesy of your classmate Valerie!!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Harry Potter Paper

Here are more details about your Harry Potter paper that is due on 4/4/11:

 Adaptation Analysis [65 points]:
In March we will read and watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and talk about what  happens when children’s books are adapted into movies.  You will write a 3-5 page paper about the  differences between the book and the movie.

Your paper will be based on Imelda Whelehan’s discussions of literary adaptations from text to screen.  Whelehan outlines three types of adaptation: 
a.      Transposition – A book is transposed to the screen directly without much change between the original and the film.  
b.      Commentary – A book is purposely or inadvertantly altered in some way that changes the storyline but still tries to stay aligned with the original book. In commentary adaptation, the change from book to screen does not intentionally corrupt the original story. 
c.     Analogy – An adaptation that is so far removed from the book that it seems the filmmaker simply used the name of the book and not much more.  Essentially, an Analogy adaptation will be seen as a completely different work of art apart from the book.
Your job is to decide based on these definitions what type of adaptation HP & the Sorcerer's Stone (the film) is.  You will need to focus on one or more of the following topics to prove your case for the type of adaptation you are arguing this film to be:
Character Relationships         
Color & Image
Clarity of writing                                15pts
Strength of argument                          35pts
Proper spelling and grammar              15pts